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- Age 29, Handsome men waiting for your message
- Screw the fish, I want the fisherman
- "I'm a young professional looking for cool people who are equally uncomplicated, goal-driven, funny, and fun. I like interesting people with funny stories. My main goals at this time are to travel whenever ... and make as much money as possible. Then spend it frivolously and take pictures of me indulging in frivolity."
- Age 35, Handsome men waiting for your message
- Like a fox..
- "My personality is complex and has varying depths. I'm smart but not the genius type. I'm rarely fickle but am frequently undecided. When something is funny I laugh and appreciatively laugh out loud. I can ... what they want) and aren't afraid to go looking for it. I guess that's the tip of the iceberg."
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- "My favorite position(s) is/are: Blow Job. I have sex once a week. I have had a one-night stand and it was a disaster. Some places I like to have sex are: in a bedroom, at the beach, in a park, in a car in a hot tub. I masturbate a few times a month."
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