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- Age 29, Gay men seeking local sex chats
- 21 year old looking for no-strings fun
- "My name's Karl and I'm 21, I'm currently taking a year out having finished my degree last year to earn some money to do an MA and a PGCE in Media Studies after. I like people who enjoy walks to random places ... there's been a lot of preparation but I also like quickies, especially the unexpected ones in unexpected places o)"
- Age 20, Gay men seeking local sex chats
- Well im just me i guess =) x
- "Hi, names kaiden im from sheffield obviasly go to college ( sheffield city college) im into music and dance ( love keeping healthy ) lol but im not a health freak to i like chocolate =P ... lol xx if your smart you will have seen that my msm is placed from my headlines an stuff scattered =) x"
- Age 33, Gay men seeking local sex chats
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