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- Age 39, Handsome men waiting for your message
- 4ft 11 and proud of every inch!!!! lol
- "well ppl say im cute so i just agree and believe ne thing ppl say lol plus who am i 2 argue with 90% of the worlds population, the other 10% r just jealous women lol. i have a gd sense of humour, gr8 personality ... might be a wee bit thick sometimes but 1 out of 4 is pretty gd i think lol xxxx"
- Age 29, single man
- Fun friendly guy, looking for fun, you fancy it? ask me for a photo! doubt it will disappoint
- "I would consider myself a fun friendly guy thats good looking, socialable, a good sense of humour, good dress sense, well groomed. I am a professional in the design industry working in the bath area. I love ... hot steamy sessions until great orgasms, if your interested send me your email as I am only a standard."