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- Age 43, Handsome men waiting for your message
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- "Why shouldn't we make the most of life? Why shouldn't we be enjoying it to the max? Some of us(including myself) claims that we are too busy or that we have better things to do. I can't blame anyone but myself ... my lack of a social and sex life, but you know, I can change that before it's too late."
- Age 30, Handsome men waiting for your message
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- "I'm used to getting whatever I want, (blame that on daddy), including men. Usually all it takes is a flash of my beautiful smile and I have them exactly where I want them. I'm sweet, funny, sexy and I'm a ... pleaser. I've never been with a man who regretted getting with me, they usually return for seconds or thirds."
- Age 32, Handsome men waiting for your message
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- Age 30, Handsome men waiting for your message
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- "I don't know how it feels to be in love, but I do know how it feels to experience really good sex. I would love to have the relationship my parents have, but let's be honest, we all aren't that lucky. "
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- "My favorite position(s) is/are: Doggy Style, Side by side, Missionary, 69, Blow Job. I have sex once a month. I have had a one-night stand and I loved it! Let's do it now. Some places I like to have sex are: in a bedroom, shower, pool/hottub, kitchen. I masturbate a few times a month."
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