Boatcaptain2 Dating Profile

My Last elusive love
Soft gentle kisses are they real or are you still dreaming??? Between kisses you hear me whisper �I love you�. A beautiful smile comes to your lips when you realize it is real as you wake up... Without opening your eyes you pull me down for the first real kiss of the day. Getting dressed is always a challenge because I am always coming up behind you and kissing your neck and shoulders and putting my arms around you... If you get to looking to beautiful I try to pull you back in the bedroom... You giggle and say I am going to get you fired... You can�t be late every morning. As you pull up to work you reach for your lipstick and find the note I hid there... Telling you how I had thanked God this morning for putting you in my life. You think how wonderful it is to have happy tears in your eyes instead of the sad ones you had in other relationships. At break the girls ask you to tell them about your man you call Stan. You think of our little place with our horses in the pasture.. Then you think of us training your horse because I wanted to make sure she was trained properly.. You say that I train horses as a hobby. Then you remember how I looked in my tie as I left for my office and you tell them I own my own business. Remembering last weekend when we flew in our plane to Galveston just To have dinner... you tell them I am also a pilot. Then you laugh and tell them that I sometimes do standup comedy at the clubs..Then you tell them I am a man and I screw up sometimes.. But I try real hard to be honest and open with my feelings..... Then you get a warm feeling and tell them that you know that there is a e-mail waiting for you... But you are saving it because when something upsets you or goes wrong you open it and read how much I care and miss you.. Your man is romantic. As you start your car and head for home you wonder what I will come up with tonight.. Whatever it is you know tonight will not be boring... You smile and wish you were already home...