sfecho Dating Profile

Just curious about who is out there.
Hello My name is Jake, I recently returned from overseas and would love to hear from you...whoever you are! I'm originally from Montana, I grew up between there and Washington, kind of back and forth. I joined the army in 93 and left in 98. I went to college at Montana State (Go Bobcats!) and then started my horse training business. I trained rope horses for rodeo cowboys and apprenticed as a cutting horse trainer. Right about that time 9/11 happened and of course I wasn't going to let everyone have all of the fun so I came back to the army.I speak Russian and would like to get a degree in Russian language and culture, this is my next goal. The army made me learn it, I would have picked something else like Arabic or Pharsi but oh well.I love animals and have many four legged buddies, most of them are previous clients though so I don't get to see them much anymore. I have hunting dogs and love to use them. I like anything that has to do with the outdoors, fishing, skiing, going to the beach etc...I love to go to the gym, I like the way it makes me feel both mentally and physically. So, if you are into the same things and interested in getting to know me drop me a line and we will go from there!