BrickPecker Dating Profile
"The Kiss of Passion with a smack from the Back Hand"
hello ladies. i wish to take this time and space to recognize one and all for your beauty and courage to reach out and find new friends, lovers, future spouses, fuck buddies, or simply someone hundreds, even thousands of miles away to chat with on long chilly night. we out here in the cyber realm are all part of the cultural phenomena. the only time in human history (as we are currently aware of), in which so many have the power to set forth and lay the tracks for their destiny. to seek true connections which needn't any longer be contained solely atop a barroom stool. not that an evening of fine food and dress along with intoxicating formulas and a steamy hopping dance floor are dislikes and moments only reserved for the past. though these time have given us the freedom to explore, to window shop if i may say, for the creators who WE KNOW will best support our needs, tastes, and for me and why i'm here is to celebrate life, mine and the many other forms i cohabit with. i seek new experiences of joy and pain. of love and sorrow. of physical touch felt from embracing flesh and weight. i am a lover. a lover of ladies, a lover passion. a man who holds his head high, sees into you, and can cut or caress with a glance.