tweeetums Dating Profile

What sparks your curiosity about me?
It does feel a little awkward to use the internet to meet an actual, real person. But hey, maybe that way we reverse the effect of people becoming isolated and cross eyed? And on another note, in a few years this is probably the most normal, if not most popular way of dating people and no one will even remember how to do this without a computer.What sparks your curiosity about me? By personal experience, the endless "what nationality are you?" question always arises during a conversation, brief or lengthy. People are automatically inquisitive about my ethnic background. Because hardly anyone can ever guess correctly where I'm from, I like to fool around and play a little guessing game to test their cultural knowledge. Appearance, alone, is quite a vague, or shall I say "deceiving," factor towards identifying a person's ethnicity and the classic 'Me love you long time" is getting old. With that issue put to rest, I can declare to the www (particularly you who are about to message me the repetitive question) I am! Keep on guessing darling(wink). Now, time for the good stuff! Personality-wise, I am a fun-loving gal. I affix my kinship to funny, comical people instantly for the reason that I find having a sense of humor is very important! Life would be a complete bore with no one laughing or telling jokes to lighten up our spirits, right? Imagine stick people with no mouths drawn on them. I'm playful and a joker.I like the fact that I can be lighthearted and witty. I am a Sagittarian Fire Horse.I have the best of both Zodiac signs. Horse people have a balance of the best kind of qualities. Have you ever seen a wild horse on the beach, with flying mane and flaring nostrils, every muscle bursting with life? That's me! Can you tame me? Would you like to try?