hornycockharry Dating Profile

I want a very loving true lover for life in marriage not just for one night only. SORRY
SO ALL YOU LOVING FEMALES OUT THERE PLEASE DO NOT jUDGE ME BY FILE OR BY MY AGE AS I DO NOT JUDGE YOURS AT ALL I READ ALL YOUR PROFILE AND I SAVE YOUR PHOTOS TOO. But I not go by oh she is just 18 or oh she is 50 well i want a true love and lover for a wife in my life too and to have babies or is she only wants one because she has kids now well that is fine too . Also if she doesn't want any in her life i think we can talk about this too. As a real loving coulpe will do in life is talking everything over together to make everything happy for us two as a very loving couple.My favorite positions are to make love with my love and my lover for life. To show my love to her everyday maybe it might be a smile, pinch on her smooth bum, a loving kiss, or just tell her i love her everyday so she will know i do think of her evevryday and and night in bed well that could be a long story or fell a slept already till she jumps on me and ask how could i without waiting as she wants her back rubbed every night almost. I guess that is why i will love her too as my lover and my future wife on here and much more i hope for too. To build a very stronge loving family home too. So please do not judge me by file or age as i do not judge yous at all i save all mail and Photos too. Well i want a true love and lover for a wife in my life too and to have babies or is she only wants one because she has kids now well that is fine too . Also if she doesn't want any in her life i think we can talk about this too. As a real loving coulpe will do in life is talking everything over together to make everything happy for us two as a very loving couple. Also i do not wear any safes to make love with my lover as if no kids are wanted they do have Birth Controll pills for all females and besides wearing the safe takes all the real love making feelings away on me and i want the real thing to feel in full. Harry your sexy hot horny lover for my true Lover in full out here somewhere in full.