TwocrazyinBama Dating Profile

Just another man without a clue
Crazy and nuts and all that stuff and I had to be told that to beleive it myself. I wouldn't contact because I just wouldn't feel free to converse with you. Be careful in whatever part of this beautiful world you may live about what freedom you may have left because it sure aint here! I'm sorry to say that but I mean it and I love the place and the few people left that could possibly understand what I'm trying to say here. Damn I'm not even talking straight now am I so see what happens when your freedom has been compromised by the few- oh yeah they think they are the majority! I could tell you more but please buy the book because I can barely make a living in the trade I love because it not only would put food on the table but I love people and helping them have their dreams fullfilled by having a home or whatever! Why? I just said it and never let anyone know you are depressed about anything. I wish you the best and Godspeed! That is right. Use your free will for God's sake and tell them to stuff it if they (which is who ever they want to be) tell you they are right in eroding our freedom of choice with regards to any matter in our lives that is not a danger to anyone else but be careful about yourself too because if you read this and have any sense this country needs you!