DerekTower Dating Profile
I love sex!!!
' 'I am a Romantic Man, of a StrictDiscrete Behavior - I Enjoy WritingE-mails, and answering those E-mailsthat I have an Inclination, and Interestin. If You are a Person who wants toWrite and/or Meet for Friendly Reasons,You are Welcomed to Participate.Couples, Three Way, Four Way, and Groupsare Welcomed to Communicate andPlay in the Physical World. I Enjoy Sharing Pleasant Sensualism with Like-Minded Participants.' 'On Certain Occasions, I enjoy myHedonistic Tendencies, but only withCorrect Minded Players.' 'I'm still a hotly Passionate man, with an extremely sensitive Romantic drive. Mycoupling drive has always been welltempered with the tender care, and asensitive application of Foreplay as wouldbe expected of a Husband of Two Wives,and numerous Lady Friends.' 'I do not like Quickies. I do not do Quickies.I do not appreciate the Wamm BammThank You Mamm Attitude towards SEX.Any of You Quickie SEX Performers Go,I won't have anything to do with Yo