Tank5161 Dating Profile

Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained!Hot-cha-cha!!!
Searching for my life's "Best for Last" Companion, You'll be comfortable like a best friend and warm like a grandparent! Looking for a "friend" to go out with and enjoy activities in each other's company or we could stay in and lounge around just enjoying time together (-; You'll be someone sharp enough for gentle, good natured, verbal sparring and banter - which means you have both spunk AND brains and that is sexy! (-; Teasing AND Flirting with each other will be fun - building towards the PASSION between us which should be great!! Wanting to fully enjoy and share the coming years with my "start over" partner so let's keep it light, smile and have fun! I enjoy the exploration/journey of getting to know someone interesting - specially if you make me think; "Hmmm, I have to know more about this Lady"!! ...