rodcooper68 Dating Profile

looking to have some fun
my name is rodney i am 31 years young, i am a strong hearted,strong minded person, which means i don't follow the jones. i follow the toot of my own horn. i have been blessed and never been in any trouble, i don't believe in drinking or doing drugs. i enjoy going out to eat at lots of different places. i also enjoy going to the movie, quiet nights at home are also excepted. i am gentlemen at heart i believe in opening door,paying for dinner doing all the things that a gentlemen shoul do , but sometimes a gentlemen acts goes can be mistaten as weak. make no mistake i am not weak. Not big on the club scene which means i don't go them.i am a beliver in true love even though i may never find it. i am the manager of a small business and spend a lot trying to make this business a success.what is important in a relationship is trust, and love. not in that order . i am a true diamond in the rough. and i am looking for the same thing i am also in the army resevre and have 13 years of service. i also some one who believe in god because i can't do any thing with out him,