Passion8r Dating Profile

Seeking The Passion & Excitement That We All Crave
Lemme see - I'm a guy - lookin for more of what I don't get enough of at home. What a unique line eh? I've been told by drunken women in dark bars that I look like Richard Gere (I think he looks like me). I do still have a full head of hair (grey/brown), I never get sick (haven't missed a day of work in 10yrs.), I have stamina (& yes thats a problem at home - she gets "cum headaches"), I usually orgasm multiple times (not always) and I'm a very attentive lover who derives extreme pleasure from my partner's pleasure. Now the bad - from an early career of working with unshielded electronic equipment (x-ray exposure) I have a less than perfect complexion, I seem to have more of a problem with this than any of women in my past & present (my ex still wants me back) and besides, I still clean up rather well!