ameliot68 Dating Profile

Would like Dinner and a Movie!!!
I am a person that likes all kinds of sports, and that includes sexercise. But, I also enjoy other things in life too. I am back in school after years, and don't mistake my bad typing skills with intellegence. I like the kitchen. I especially like the outdoors. I grew up near the coast.There isn't much I haven't tried, but i know in this lifetime or the next, I would never learn all that there is to. I like long walks, and since I am on long, long kisses. I consider myself a very good listener, and not just to prove a point, but because I care what one has to say. I coach baseball, therefore, I enjoy kids. I have tremendous patience and that is what makes me decent at just about eveything.I'll tell you, I have tried to meet friends and/or a mate on other dating sites that are not really adult/sex/etc. types. Who doesn't try a site to eventually have sex regardless of the type of site. But on a regular site, you aren't really expected to be naughty (like it's not what most want anyways--got to keep an image). Yes, it's been a little while since I had some, but like anywhere, one has to get to know the other person first. I figure if I try a site like this, I might still run across someone. I think that regardless of the reason to go out with a person, if you have combatibility, things will only get better, and you don't have to worry much with the person being a little causious (when really, they are dying to be a beast inside). In other words, I feel you might get a better chance of meeting someone on a site that isn't so picky. I'll say this, if just a little sex to get rid of stress is all I can find riht now, I'll take it. Just don't know what is better in my life right now, sex or a long term relationship.