chef86charmer Dating Profile

Elgin men waiting to hook up in local sex chat room in Illinois
I am a 27 years old straight single man living in Elgin, Illinois

they call me dr love, cause i got the cure your thinkin of...

I work as a as a prep and linecook, and now sharing the operational duties at abrewery/restaurantwhileattendingculinary school.Ihopetobecome anexecutivechefat afour-starhotelorrestaurantsomeday.Chocolate andBBQaremyfavouritethingstomake(weirdcombo, iknow),tryingthinkof awaytocombinethemhaha.Firsttime failedbad. I'mveryfriendly andlikegoingout tobarswithmy friendsandmeetingnew people. I'malwaysdownforprettymuchanything.When imnotout with myfriends imalmostalwayscookingformy family.Ilovetotravel, this past winter iwrnt toWyomingwhere Iwentsnowboardingfor acoupledays. imalmost alwayslisteningtomusic(especially at work,keeps megoingon the 12-14hourdays). iusedto playbassguitarbutkindalostinterestafter mybandbroke up, andnotimetostart a newband. Soinsteadising alot(my cheftold meishould go onAmericanidolhahaha). I'vestudiedninjitsuforalmostover 3 yearsunder oneof thebestteachers inthemid-west.I enjoyworkingout andstayingfitbuti kindasucks nothavinganyonetogowith. I'mbigintocarsandmotorcycles oranythingfastfor thatmatter.I'm alsogonnaadmit,imkind of a dork.idolike to playvideogamessometimeswhen ihavenothingto do.

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