aeorg Dating Profile

Affairs only, no strings.
I am in the professional field so am in the public eye a lot (so obviously discretion is a must). Standing 6'1, dark hair and hazel eyes, many have said I am pretty attractive and a fun witty guy (my gf tends to agree). Currently have no intentions of leaving who I am with, and expect my "friend" to be the same. Although I do not mind the casual "one hit wonder" I prefer to meet someone that can be friends with on a permanent basis as well as a little "fun" to boot (not into bars or anything of that nature, I'm too busy for that but maybe out for a tea or coffee - sorry I dont drink). I'm am more into spontaneous than planned. Takes the fun out of it when its on a schedule. If you are one who just wants to try out an affair becuase something didnt go right at home or curious, I am your safest bet. No chasing, no crazy emails or stalking - I'm too busy at work. Its that simple.