indyracer88 Dating Profile

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I am a 43 years old straight single man living in Indianapolis, Indiana

Still Running with the Bulls and challenging life!

Physically, I am attractive and athletic. I look much younger than I am and tend to dress as such. There is a time to bear the tuxedo or business suit, but I prefer to run around in torn jeans and t-shirts. Hanging around the house is ideal for shorts and a tank... and of course nothing at all. I tend to be an over-achiever professionally but can easily just follow the wind. Enjoying what I do is important to me. Relationships - what a whirlwind! I am non-judgmental, open to different things and ideas. Careful though! Sometimes I can fall pretty hard and easily before I know what happened! Just keep me intellectually intrigued, physically inspired and emotionally secure! Sounds pretty simple! I love to have fun, laugh and be completely spontaneous.

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