grantguy27 Dating Profile

im down for whatever gurls n i mean whatever jus as long as im home in time to take my baby to school
my names dave n the first thing ppl notice about me is my size im not heavy im just a very large man im 6ft4 285lbs i wear a size 15 shoe and ring which is funny to me im extremely sociable i have no prob talking to anyone at anytime and that includes large crowds im a very gifted public speaker ppl see my size and hear that thick alabama accent and assume im a big dumb country boy which ill admit i kinda like because usually by the time they find out that im extremely inteligant its been them in the ass and thts always fun for me i have no shortage of confidance which i will admit borderlines cockiness but hey thts jus me im very good with people and im not shy at all not even a lil bit so u extremely beautifull women out there lookin at my pic n thinkin no way guess again im almost positive that with one good long conversation youll change your mind im gonna be honest im a single father so i have to keep things discreet