xgmex1 Dating Profile

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Here�s what I am looking for - let me know if your feeling this. Someone who smiles and laughs as much as humanly possible. Someone who takes on the tough times and turns them into something positive. Someone who has fun doing anything because they really care most about the company. Someone who lets loose because they know they have earned it from being dedicated to their responsibilities. Someone who knows how to give and receive. Someone who is there for the ones they care about no matter what. Someone who wants a partner, an equal and a best friend. Someone who is passionate about life and realizes what a gift it is and the people they have in theirs.Someone like this is someone like me. If this is you, then let me know because I have a place reserved for two!'I've done my share of waiting. So I wait for you to take me all the way'- Three Days Grace -(note- no false advertising here, this is me- pictures are recent)