paragon1953 Dating Profile

Looking4 Causal Dating = Steady G.F.= Maybe More.!.?
Im a Libra/Sanguine.! Sincere, optimist, expressive, talkative (storyteller), curious, good sense of humor - a teaser/jokester.!.? Enthusiastic, intellectual (not Einstein but I have my moments), also assorted philosopher.! I live in the present, Open-Mind, but I understand everyone has history too.? My trust in others is 100 percent at acquaintance, I Judge-Not by ones past, but there future actions.! I believe in the KISS method, Keep-It-Simple-Smarty, and to the point.! NO Games...! No Drama...! Well, let me show U Im a Gentleman and Chivalry is still alive and well.!.I enjoy planned or spontaneous activities. Swimming, racquetball, zoo's, picnics in the park, art-exhibits, theater, music I love R&R (classic's 50's-70's) Jazz, Reggie/Carb'n, R&B, most Country, dancing and comedy club/Improv.. I love Sci.Fi as well, history/nostalgia and cultural, Sports, Muscle Cars and Racing! Water and snow skiing, Louisiana(Mardi Gras), Travel-Caribbean, Para-Sailing, SCUBA, sipping Mai-tai's or C.R., at sunsets and watching sunrise from bed... Or, of course a movie at home with U, a bag of popcorn and a beer. Not to many things bore me, I enjoy doing almost anything...