Spudmarc Dating Profile

EZ To Be With
I am a relaxed and fun loving person who enjoys his life. I love listening to music, and have a talent for choosing the appropriate tunes to match the mood. My children live with me half of the time, and when they're with me I'm focused on them. However... the other half of my life I'm footloose and fancy free. I enjoy traveling; I'll go to California for a long weekend if the mood strikes me. I prefer the country, but am comfortable spending time in the city. I am single, and very comfortable on my own. I love giving and getting massages, romantic evenings textured with candles, incense, and good music. Foreplay is very important to me; it's an expression of care and concern for both my partner's and my pleasure. I prefer to not be in a rush, but sometimes life gets in the way and our time may be short. In that case, I like to make the most of the time that I have with my partner. (In other words, I'd prefer to get together for a limited time if that's all we have available, rather then miss an opportunity to have some fun.) I have a flexible schedule, and am sometimes available to get together during the day.