warrenjfreak Dating Profile

all i need islove and affection to keep me strong ad moving n the righ direction
I'm a very outgoing individual who goes everyday looking for someone else other than myself to do something good for without the expectency of getting something in return, and it's a good day for me. All I want is to see the sun come up and the sun go down and not have to see it through a plate glass window or a chain link fence. so basically ladys since i have the capability to reach out and see, hear and hopefully touch one of you I consider myself being on the bonus plan. Now I will close with these words of wisdom for you to understand I am and always will be a teacher of the game you see I used to be a pervert and then I became a provert but get back with me and i will show you why they call me the expert..... Because all I want to do is go a boom boom and a zoom zoom....
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