WannalickyrClit Dating Profile

I know what I'm doing.
Well.... This is new to me. What would you like to know? The reason I'm trying this is because I've always wanted to try it out. Mission accomplished I suppose.... I'm not too sure what to expect out of it. Hopefully a good time(s) and/or a new awesome person in my life. I'm different. In a good way I hope. I'm very confident in what I do sexually and on the plus side I'm also a pretty awesome person to know [just saying]. I'm the kinda guy who will cook for you and romance you because I'm mushy like that. I can also take you straight to the "bedroom" if thats what you desire. I really like making a girl smile [moreso than anything else] and I really enjoy blowing her mind [a close second]. Oh!! And I have only one rule when it comes to sex.... You have to cum AT LEAST twice as many times as I do.
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